David Schippers, Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee and head
prosecutor responsible conducting the impeachment against former President
Clinton, went public revealing that months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI
agents had come to him informing him about the impending attacks. These agents
knew the names of the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates,
and the sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the 9/11
attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into these terrorists
and threatened them with the National Security Act that if they talked about any of
the information pertaining to their investigations that they would be prosecuted.

So many of them sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the
U.S. government to take action against these terrorists before their plan could be
implemented. Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and tried to
get a hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, all only to get the run-around. Mr. Schippers is
now legally representing at least ten of these FBI agents in a suit against the U.S.
government in an attempt to subpoena their testimony where they can then legally
tell what they know and legally get it on record.

It is a well known fact that the FBI was paying informants as early as 1996, to track
the activities of middle eastern men taking flight lessons in the U.S. Then they
claimed the thought of airliners being used as weapons never crossed their minds!
On September 10, the day BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, a record number of stocks,
hundreds of millions of dollars worth, from the companies that would take a huge hit
the very next day, such as United and American airlines, were sold off. This was a big
news story for a couple of days after 9-11, but it suddenly and mysteriously
dissappeared. They dropped the pursuit of this story, only because it would lead right
to the people that control the media and shadow government.

Also, on September 10, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld gave a speech complaining
about the waste and corruption at the pentagon, how huge amounts of money were
unaccounted for, and he vowed to get to the bottom of it. We all know what
happened the very next day. Rumsfeld himself was in the pentagon when it got hit by
the plane, and narrowly escaped being killed.

Now more money than ever is being pumped into the bottomless pit of the pentagon,
and Rumsfeld is leading the charge. Maybe he got "THE MESSAGE"? The JFK
assassination occured just a few weeks after he signed into law a resolution to bring
all advisors home from Vietnam, and end all military involvement there. Johnson's
first official act as president, the day after Kennedy's funeral, was to reverse
Kennedy's decision, and, in effect, start the Vietnam war. The military-industrial
complex does not like their thievery exposed, or their source of revenue threatened
by ANYONE, and apparently will stop at nothing to attempt to keep this corrupt and
diabolical system in existence.

In remarks made by Tom Kennedy, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency's (FEMA) "National Urban Search and Rescue Team" during an
interview on national TV with CBS News anchor Dan Rather, Mr. Kennedy let slip a
frightening truth: FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City
the night BEFORE the attacks occurred! Mr. Kennedy tells Dan Rather, "We were one
of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster.
We arrived on late Monday night, September 10th, and went right into action on
Tuesday morning", September 11th. And now many people who were in the WTC
towers who managed to get out before it collapsed are saying that there were bombs
going off inside (even in the basement levels). Just one of very many of such
accounts appearing in the mainstream press, firefighter Louie Cacchioli said: "We
think there were bombs going off" as they entered tower number two. On Sept. 13,
while the world was fixated on the terrorist attacks, China was quickly and quietly
admitted to the World Trade Organization, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts.
There was an agenda for allowing the September 11, 2001 attacks to take place, and
it's the establishment of the New World Order.

The United States military paid by the American taxpayer is rooting out leaders that
oppose the New World Order. The leadership of these nations will be replaced by
those who will play ball with a One-World-Government organizations. It was the
terrorist event of September 11, 2001 that set in motion the opportunity to overthrow
these Islamic nations opposed to the New World Order. General Colin Powell recently
came out with this official State Department statement: We have always favored
Palestinian Statehood."It was on our agenda to present the General Assembly of the
United Nations our resolution for the immediate recognition of Palestinian Statehood
at 10:00 AM on September 11, 2001."

This terrorist attack prevented the U.N. session until two months later. It started on
Nov. 12, the very day flight 587 exploded over New York. The NTSB has been looking
for any excuse they can grab onto to explain what happened to flight 587, other than
the truth. See my flight 587 page to understand THAT coverup. Now the U.N. has the
excuse it needed for nation building to create a socialist/communist world dreamed
of by Karl Marx and being implemented by American taxpayer money. How ironic! A
declared Christian nation supporting the Beast organization that will try to persecute
them out of existence.

Did Bush have prior knowledge of 9-11? Set aside the incriminating evidence now
coming out, and look at it politically. First, when Bush, Rice and the other top
Reichmeisters discarded the terrorist warning on August 6, Bush's approval ratings
had sunk to just 49% – this is the red zone for a president. Ask any political expert or
presidential historian: Hit 45%, and impeachment may soon loom on the horizon.
Bush's father's approval ratings went from shaky to astronomical within a month of
declaring war on an "evil terrorist" leader Saddam Hussein back in 1991. This lesson
could hardly have been lost on Bush, Jr.: Start a war, and the emotions of the public
can be whipped up to a point that will push presidential approval ratings way, way

What do you imagine a self-serving man who knew once war was dedlared, no
serious opposition from Congress, the press, or the American public, for any of his
plans, would be likely to do? A bookie would most certainly lay odds that Bush would
stand aside and allow an event like 9/11 to happen.

If you believe president Bush is a "conservative-pro-American", Think again.
Everyone of president Bush's advisers are, or have been, members of the subversive
communist one-world government Council on Foreign Relations, which had as one of
its founders the Marxist Col. Edward Mandell House.

President Bush was initiated into the ultra-secret Skull & Bones fraternity that is
working for world dictatorship, in 1968. His father, former President Bush, was
initiated into Skull & Bones in 1948. His grandfather, Prescott Bush was initiated into
Skull & Bones in 1917.

An article in the Indian magazine INDIAREACTS, a public affairs magazine, in June
2001, 3 months before the 9-11 terrorist attacks, explained that the US and Russia
were planning a war in Afganistan, in order to unseat the Taliban. The primary
reason for these hostilities would be the Taliban's unwillingness to cooperate with UN
inspectors. This, I believe, is proof the US and UN was planning a move against the
Taliban, Iraq, and any nation that does not bow to the will of the UN. They just
needed a pretext for attacking these countries, and they recieved it with the 9-11
attacks. Given the close monitoring of Bin Laden by our intelligence community over
the last several years, one could only conclude they knew about it in advance, and
allowed it to happen, to get public support for the war, in America, and in the middle

Because the Taliban was unfriendly to the UN, the US and Russia were planning an
attack against it. Of course that would not have been tolerated by the Arab nations,
without the pretext of revenge for the 9-11 attacks. The Israeli secret service - the
Mossad - warned the U.S. Government that a terrorist act was to happen, yet our
government did nothing to prevent it? Apparently, THIS WAS ALL PLANNED!!!

Also, consider events since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack upon America.
Many people believe that we are heading toward America's demise as a sovereign
nation. The U.S. military is being sent out of the country and leaving our population
defenseless. The U.S. AWAC, radar and surveillance planes, are being sent out of the
country. The United Nations has announced that NATO personnel from Germany will
defend the borders of the U.S. Henry Kissinger once said that the United States
population would never allow United Nations troops to patrol its streets. But if a
threat came from an EXTERNAL source, we would welcome them into our streets for
security. President Roosevelt once said that nothing happens in the political unless it
is planned. As it was with the PEARL HARBOR ATTACK our government apparently
had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of the 9-11 attacks. As I've said, the Israeli secret service -
the Mossad - warned the U.S. Government that a terrorist act was to happen, yet our
government did nothing to prevent it. It was the EXTERNAL source needed to cause
Americans to give up freedoms for security.


Isn't it interesting that those working for world government established a Jewish
homeland in the middle of the Arab world after World War II. Combined with the
terror attacks, the chaos we are seeing in the mideast is all part of the plan. This is to
set the stage for the Third World War to usher in Order Out Of Chaos - The New
World Order. We now see it happening right before our eyes. So, as it was with Pearl
Harbor, the secret government needed a catalyst to justify a war that is brought
about to empower them. And, like with Pearl Harbor, they recieved it on 9-11 at the
expense of thousands of American lives. The truth of what happened on September 11 would certainly be difficult for most people to accept. They apparently would rather go
on living in ignorant bliss, waiting for the next big lie